ISSEP 2023 is over! Thank you all for coming!
The International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution and Perspectives (ISSEP) is a forum for researchers and practitioners in the area of Informatics education, in both primary and secondary schools. The conference provides an opportunity for educators and researchers to reflect upon the goals and objectives of this subject matter, its curricula, various teaching and learning paradigms and topics, as well as the connections to everyday life — including the various ways of developing Informatics Education in schools.
Before the pre-ISSEP preparations concretely start, everyone is warmly welcome to say hello and participate in ISSEP’s online social network, Mattermost. News and announcement that appear here will also be posted there—if you wish, you can subscribe to the notifications of the ISSEP2023 channel.
Important Dates
Abstract submission: May 8, 2023
Full/short paper submission: May 30 June 9, 2023
Doctoral consortium application: May 30 July 31, 2023
Posters, workshops, and panel proposals submission: August 14, 2023
Notification of acceptance for papers: July 24, 2023
Registration start: July 24, 2023
Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: August 14, 2023
Notification of acceptance for workshops, and panels: September 4, 2023
Notification of acceptance for posters: September 4 September 8, 2023
Registration end: September 25 October 8, 2023
Doctoral consortium: October 22, 2023
Main conference: October 23-25, 2023
The ISSEP conference started in 2005 in Klagenfurt, Austria. It was followed by meetings in Vilnius (2006), Torun (2008), Zürich (2010), Bratislava (2011), Oldenburg (2013), Istanbul (2014), Ljubljana (2015), Münster (2016), Helsinki (2017), Saint-Petersburg (2018), Larnaca (2019), Tallin (2020), Nijmegen (2021) and Vienna (2022). For more info, please refer to our umbrella page.
The 16th ISSEP conference is an on-site conference organized by HEP Vaud (Switzerland), a university of teacher education, and will take place in Lausanne, 23-25 October 2023. A doctoral consortium will also be held on Sunday 22 October, right before the conference.
The ISSEP proceedings are published in the Springer LNCS series. For ISSEP 2023, the Springer proceedings are available here as LNCS vol. 14296 (doi:10.1007/978-3-031-44900-0) and the local proceedings are published on Zenodo here (doi:10.5281/zenodo.10015799). Both are published in open access.
Here are the past volumes of ISSEP on Springer Link.